Monday, August 8, 2011


You're the only one
That can say anything to her
I hesitate to say save
Or anything that might mean more

Right now, she needs you
Else it'll all go down the drain
It'll all be a big mess
And my tears will be in vain

Please, don't be like
The whole, huge, wide world
Please, don't stoop
To their ideas of how things should end

Because it doesn't have to be
This sad, lonely way
It doesn't have to be all black
With death during the day

And living it up at night
While the people
All turn out their inner light
And make a decision

To cut down that candle wick
Till there's nothing left
To continuously over do it
A simple, self-theft

Yes, they're all stealing from themselves
And they can only
Be redeemed by Christ alone, our Savior
So that's why, anyway

I'm asking you to help her
Because you can't save
I'm asking you to say something
Or at least, please pray

I know it's not the roll you play
At least, not usually
But when it's dire, and if you care
Please, don't act cooly

Don't pretend you don't know
And by all means don't play along!!!
Just pray and try, and don't go
Don't go down that road

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