Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dreaming my Dreams, With You

 I remember waking up and realizing it immediately, then shoving my head back down into the fluffy mass of pillow and blanket. A dream. A dream. How could it be a dream? What kind-of game was this?
 My mind, almost involuntarily, does a bit of a flash-back over the contents of my dream. I can almost feel myself sitting on a bed, in someone else's room, talking to them. I was worried about a lot of things, but I wasn't about to let them dictate what I said. It wasn't a bright place; the walls were white but a blue colored light in the corner made the whole room darker. I don't think there were any windows, even.
 My subconscious never realized it was fake until I began to wake up, and then it was instantly. Sometimes, I still believe a dream is real for about a minute after waking up (I have to get things sorted out it my head) but this was almost as if in only one day I had learned something, and doubted what I thought was reality as soon as I could.
 Really, dreams like this are horrible. I want to remain in the dream, yet I wake up and instantly realize it wasn't real, and yet, I don't want to keep dreaming, because although the dream was great, it was also a little uncomfortable, and, it wasn't real. If it got too good, then I would be REALLY disappointed when I woke up. XD

Also, I feel somewhat depressed about my own stuff lately, too. I'm not so much depressed about other people, so it's safe to say I'm really just being selfish. XD Oh, well.



Chap in the fedora said...

Its called Inception....

Cylleruion Gwaithovorn said...

The definition does not support your statement. :D

Argentia Krystofel said...

@Chap in the fedora-Hahahaha, I'm afraid not. But you made me smile. No, more so it's called having a dream which made you confused. XD

@Cylleruion-Right. XD

Chap in the fedora said...

Just a joke...can't anyone make a joke??? :):P

Chap in the fedora

Argentia Krystofel said...

Hahaha, yes, you can, and as I mentioned, it brightened my day. XD