"...But to me the darkness was red-gold and crocus-coloured, With your brightness, And the words you whispered to me, Sprang up and flamed—orange torches against the rain. Torches against the wall of cool, silver rain!" ---Summer Rain, Amy Lowell
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Snow Kiss
Close your eyes, night growingYou’ll recall that memory
Biting our freezing lips
We wrapped our arms around each other
I hid the day when I saw you last
At the bottom of my memories
We walked on the lake; that Wonderful view
(I’m feelings so alive)
snow kissDon’t tell me
That I’ll be saying good-bye to you like this
I want to see you
The starry sky is beautiful enough to stop time
wow wow…
The white and shiny breath
Envelopes that child gently
The surface of the water changes into iceThe darkness turns into an aurora
When the darkness dissolves, will I be able to live? baby
I’ll start walking toward the light without showing my tears
(I’m feeling so alive)
snow kissEven if we become separated far apart like this
Please don’t cry…
I want to see you, on that day, at that time, your loveA star of white sighs
snow kissDon’t tell me
That I’ll be saying good-bye to you like this
I want to see you
Unremovable scars such as feelingsPlease don’t erase them
Please don’t erase them…
Me o tojite naito gurowinYobiokosu ano kioku
Kogoeru kuchibiru kande
Futari kata o yoseau
Saigo ni kimi o mita hi oKioku no soko ni kakushita
Mizuumi no ue aruita ano Wonderful view
(I’m feeling so alive)
snow kiss
Kono mama kimi to good-bye nante
Toki ga tomaru hodo utsukushii hoshizora o
wow wow…
Shiroku kagayaku iki ga
Yasashiku ano ko o tsutsumu
Suimen ga koori ni kawaru
Kurayami ga oorora ni naru
Yami ga tokereba ikite yukeru no? babyNamida misezu ni hikari no hou e arukidasu
(I’m feeling so alive)
snow kiss
Kono mama tooku hanarete mo
Aitai ano hi ano toki your love
Shiroi toiki no star
snow kissKono mama kimi to good-bye nante
Kimochi to ka torenai kizuato
Original Japanese- (Not sure if it's Hiragana or Katakana. Might have some Kanji in there, too.)
目を閉じて ナイトグロウィン
呼び起こす あの記憶
湖の上 歩いた あの Wonderful view
(I’m feeling so alive)
snow kiss
このまま君と good-bye なんて言わないで
時が止まるほど 美しい星空を
wow wow…
白く 輝く 息が優しく あの子をつつむ
(I’m feeling so alive)
snow kiss
会いたいあの日あの時 your love
白い吐息の star
snow kiss
このまま君と good-bye なんて言わないで

Any way, hey, it's a cool song. That I am obsessed with. It reminds me of Allen, who I am also quite crazy over. He is the middle character in the picture above. The other two are Yu Kanda on the left and Lavi on the right. Who are also AWESOME characters. I have been unable to decide upon my favorite.
Now, I have been doing quite a few drawings lately, but this is the only one I'm going to be able to put up-

This is Gris and Katell, two characters that a friend of mine has. He's been wanting me to draw them and color them, so I did. The look pretty good, imho.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Oh my gosh! It's-it's...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Winter Is Here!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, I don't have much family that comes for Thanksgiving (just my mom's parents) but I have some awesome 'family' that I got to see today, and I just wanted to say I love you so much everyone and thank God that I have you. I hope you are all having a great Thanksgiving, I hope you are enjoying the food and time with your family.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I'm very bored....

...so I decided to do a video tag I recieved from Nate while I was gone. I won't be tagging anyone, if they want to do the tag, they can! just let me know you're doing it, I'd love to see what you post! ;)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I'm Back! (Sort-of)

- Two characters from an RP I am in.
- A character from my story. (Which I am no longer posting. T.T Gomen nasai...)
- The same RP characters.
- A request from a friend. She is drawn from a character in FMA, and she's eviiiiilllll. :P
- Another RP drawing. He's a character I haven't yet written but am excited about. I won't be able to start writing him until I get to a certain point in the storyline, but I'm super excited about that and wish I could get there sooner.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
I hope and pray all ya'll are doing well, and ask you to please pray for my uncle, he has been hospitalized with Swine Flu and is on a ventilator.
EDIT: Praise the Lord! My uncle has left the hospital and is now at home with his wife and kids. He is still feeling down, but he is doing SO much better.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friend Test
Let me know what your score is in the comments or sidebar thing. Rebecca has one of these up, so please go take hers, too.
EDIT: I am not able to log into my account on the quiz site, so please just tell me your results in the comments. Something is wrong with my password, but I don't know what.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I just realized!

- I started watching anime!
- I have become a much better artist and writer.
- I have made several new friends. By the way, I am so thankful for all of you, you are so important to me, be you a friend I have known for a short time, or very, very long time!
- I have learned a lot of Japanese, a language I was never interested in before I started watching anime. Japanese is a very pretty language, by the way. ♥ At least in my opinion.
- I learned how to mow and how to start a lawn mower! Speaking of which, lawn mowing isn't that hard, if you have endurance and a light weight mower. Also, if you have a mom, dad and bro who mow as well. Then you don't have to do it often.
- I've learned so much, I can't really write it all here. I have learned that Math IS out to get me, but to prove myself, I must FIGHT like a, er, girl, and concur it!!! MATH WILL NEVER HOLD ME BACK AGAIN!!! To VICTORY!!! Okay, enough of that...
- I have also learned a lot about life, and how to handle certain things that have come my way and will most likely come again. I sorta don't want them to come, and then I do so I can show of my new ability to handle them! lol, seriously, though, this year has been awesome. Just some time and prayer and my life has gotten seriously better than it was. I look back and I almost want to cry at how merciful and good God has been to me. He really does answer prayer, I mean it. You might be in a bad situation yourself, and even if God feels far away, please, please, PLEASE trust him. He WILL hear your prayers. He has heard mine and he has helped me. I have learned from all of the bad, as well.
- Well, parts of my house got repainted by my mom, and they looked great after that. By the way, mom, you are AWESOME!!!
- I went to conference this year!
- I went to several dances, which I didn't do the year before that. And, if I remember correctly I went to my first dance last August...no, maybe that was the August before...
- I like many new songs and kinds of music, but I consistently like the same music my dad does...I mean, I like every song he likes except this one artist, and they really don't get on my nerves that much. And my dad likes HUNDREDS of songs and MANY, MANY artists.
What hasn't changed-
- I still have my faults, but they have gotten better.
- We still live here.
- I didn't get my ears pierced or contacts.
- I still have terrible social skills.
- I still can't wake up before eight consistantly. Without scary dreams to prompt my rising.
- But that is okay...anyway, there isn't much about me that hasn't changed. I look different, i like different things....
- Ah! I still have some of the old friends I used to, and I still love my family more than ever, and my friends more than ever, and Jesus more than anything!
So, there. Some people I want to thank: My mom, Timeless Trinkets, for being amazing and for loving and taking care of me. My dad, for being just a WONDERFUL daddy and for loving me and taking care of me. My brother, A Confederate, for being such a sweet brother and for watching out for me. (Even though I can take care of myself, bro! Well, most of the time.) My other two brothers, Simon and Elliott, for being sweet and caring. My little sister Lillian, for being such a cute little sister and teaching me many lessons about taking care of kids. My friend, Megan, for being there. You go girl! My friend, Rose, for being a friend in general. When I want to chat, I know who to call up! Tatiana, for being a great friend and playmate, Cylleruion Gwaithovorn, for being a friend, writer and fellow anime freak. Annie Cole, for being a friend and fellow artist, writer and anime freak. And all the rest of you friends; Mirriam, Marriah, Nate, Sir-F, Rebecca and anyone who I have forgotten! You have permission to chew me out if I did!
And last but never, ever, ever last in my heart; My wonderful, gracious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Goodnight everyone!♥
Friday, August 7, 2009
Here are some pictures taken when they were tadpoles-

The first picture is bucket of tadpoles one. The second picture and onward is busket of tadpoles two. This was the day we moved them. They were outgrowing bucket 1, so we got another bucket. When they got their legs, we didn't know they would scale the walls even when they still had their tales, and we lost two in the middle of the night. Thankfully, my brother put carboard over them and punched holes in it so they can breath.
Here is a picture of Out. I couldn't find In, as usual.

I know it isn't a sweet post, but it's cute. And Huck's pet is a frog, in the new version at least. It's name is Shoo-Fly.

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Also, I was able to edit and write a whole bunch in my story today, so I'm super happy. I also managed to wash all our dishes-YAY!!! 8D
A picture for the sake of pictures! :P

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Strawberry Shortcake, Anyone?
I'm not sure why I really like Strawberry, but I think it might just be the sheer light-heartedness of it. My two favorite characters are Blueberry Muffin and Huckleberry Pie.
Blue is a lot like me, she is imaginative; she likes to make up stories, she is very imaginative, she loves books and she likes to dress up and put on plays.
Huck is just hilarious! I probably like him most for his anime moments. He also reminds me of my little brothers. Although, I have one question-Why on earth did they change Plum Pudding into a girl? I mean, Huck has gotta have some boy to hang out with! I don't get the point, why have only one boy?
So, have fun reading if you like strawberries in general, if you don't like strawberries, then you'll just have to deal with it. :P
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sorry for not posting

I am terribly sorry for not posting very much lately. I suppose I should tell you about some things that have happening lately.

The picture above is a ring with a Star Sapphire embeded in it. The name reminded my of my story. Remeber, Adrian's uncle was Sapphire. And I have taken into consideration that Sapphire is not typically a boy's name. :P

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Bear with me!
EDIT: I got it right!!! *happydance* Now, to quit stressing over writing, drawing and doing an endless mountain of dishes!!!
I hope all of you are doing well.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Summer Poems

All soft and still and fair;
The solemn hour of midnight
Breathes sweet thoughts everywhere,
But most where trees are sending
Their breezy boughs on high,
Or stooping low are lending
A shelter from the sky.
And there in those wild bowers
A lovely form is laid;
Green grass and dew-steeped flowers
Wave gently round her head.
Blessings on thee, little man,
Barefoot boy, with cheek of tan!

With thy turned-up pantaloons,
And thy merry whistled tunes;
With thy red lip, redder still
Kissed by strawberries on the hill;
With the sunshine on thy face,
Through thy torn brim’s jaunty grace;
From my heart I give thee joy,—
I was once a barefoot boy!
by John Greenleaf Whittier
Look! Look down in the garden how
The firefly lights are flitting now!
A million tiny sparks I know
Flash through the pinks and golden-glow,
And I am very sure that all
Have come to light a fairy ball,
And if I could stay up I'd see
How gay the fairy folks can be!
by Evaleen Stein

Flash and flicker and fly away,
Trailing light as you flutter far,
Are you a lamp for the fairies, say?
Or a flake of fire from a falling star?
by Evaleen Stein
And, yep, lots of EXO-FORCE pictures. It was my first introduction to manga, and I still really like all of the dear pictures I have. I also follow the artist's blog.
Hope you enjoy the poems and pictures! Oh, and the new name of my blog...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tagged by Cassie!

*Your Life*
What is your favorite food? I like a lot of things...to many to name a favorite!
Your favorite hot drink? Herbal Tea. (Celestial Seasonings!)
Your favorite cold drink (besides water)? Lemonade
Your current favorite articles of clothing?
Some new skirts I just bought a few weeks ago and my forever favorite blue jeans and blue jean shorts.
What are you reading right now?
Ummm, my Bible, and...nothing much else. I SHOULD be reading more.
What are your favorite books right now?
Hmmmm...Well, lots of manga I like to read...and then some favorites that will always remain favorites. Not any new ones.
What are your favorite movies right now?
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
and...Nothing much else...I watch more anime than movies. My favorite anime right now is Gundam Wing.
What music do you listen to?
Well...should I say just about everything my mom and dad listen too, along with quite a few others?
What phrases/exclamations do you say often/are a family joke?
Not many. I know that when a friend is talking and I don't catch what they said I'll say-
"Wha-Wha-What???" Really, really, super fast.
I will quote FMA characters alot. I like to quote Roy Mustang to my mom alot.
Other than that...my brothers and mom say 'good grief' a lot. :P We don't have many things we say.
What do you enjoy doing most?
I like to sing and write. I think I enjoy writing and drawing the most. And talking with friends.
If you were going somewhere dangerous in Middle-earth, Narnia, or The Lands Beyond, what would you take? Don't know...is that possible? If it is, I hope I don't have to go. Too much danger for me, and I'm not a huge fan of Narnia or LoTR.
Who are your real-life role models? I admire my mom alot, and quite a few of my friends.
Who are your fictional role models? Hmmm...I definitely think Riza Hawkeye is a good character. And I wish I were more self-sacrificing like Tohru Honda.
If your life were a movie, who would play you? I don't know anyone but me who could do it. I'm quite the odd person, and I am very dramatic.
What are you most afraid of? One of the things is breaking a bone. I really don't want to break a bone. And their are many other things, but I know God is taking care of me and watching over me.
What are your favorite smells? About a million different things...but I like the smell of the nighttime most.
What is your favorite sound? Again, many things. I like laughter the most.
What is your favorite sight? The countryside, mountains, ocean, cities, sunset, just lots of things!
If you had a CD, what would it be called? I am not sure...
And I don't think I will be tagging anyone. If you want to do it you can, though!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
IMPORTANT Question about story!!!
And I have a question-Should I change the way I spell Royal?
I can spell it Royall or Royale. I really would like to change it, so from those two choices which one do you like best?
Hopefully I can edit this and add the next installment of my story soon. I would really like to have everyone's opinion before that, though...so...
Your comment need not include anything but Royall or Royale. That is all. Maybe I should just do a poll...
EDIT: Alright, so I've waited all night and almost all day. I've written all night and almost all day(not really). You can still give me your opinion. But I am going to go ahead and post the next part of the chapter.
Fantasy-I have edited that first part. I hope to change that last post. Details to find it are below.
IMPORTANT-PLEASE READ-:P That sounds like a warning label. I have added tags to all of my posts recently. To find my story, just type 'story' in at the search bar at the top of my blog page and it will come up.
Alright parts...something, something and something! *Does not remember numbers*
Oh, 4&5! That's right! Whoa, now I need to right more. But I've written all daaaaaayyyyy. Oh, well. On to more as soon as I am back from grandparents. Yes, I am going down again. This time is the last for a while, though.
The passage was cool and damp and a strange white-pink color, like the inside of a cockle shell. The walls were very slippery. The staircase kept going down and down and down. Adrian wondered why Royal had mistaken Starr for an elf. He hoped Orion would fair well with the young friend of Royal’s. He had agreed to take Orion down a path that was firm enough, and hopefully make it to their destination. Adrian’s head felt heavy. Maybe it was the depth and pressure. He had been thinking about Misti so much today, maybe it was making his brain heavy. He seriously believed she could do that to someone sometimes. His thoughts buzzed around so fast and noisily he could not comprehend it all. He felt hazy, like when you have been out in the hot sun for too long.
Suddenly, he slipped on a damp spot of the stair case.
Down, down he kept going. He numbly heard Starr scream. He felt slow, and he just kept going down and down and down. Yet, suddenly his senses went alive. Adrian tried to stop himself, but his hand slipped again.
Yep, Misti had killed him, he thought as he fell. He was certain he felt his bones being broken, but he did not know which. It was all so fast, yet so slow. Rolling over and over himself, flailing madly, the haziness beginning to take hold of him.
CRACK. His head banged a step for what he thought was the millionth time. He felt sleepy and heavier than ever. He felt no pain, and yet he kept going down and down and down into darkness. Everything went black.
The most lovely smelling breeze was blowing, and beautiful sunlight was spilling over him. Adrian thought it must be his home in the South, even though he hadn’t opened his eyes yet.
He did, and saw to his astonishment that it was not warm, or beautiful. Instead of being in the home he had thought he would be in, he was laying still and cold at the bottom of something. He lay in total darkness, wondering where he was and why. Then it flooded back.
“I-if I call them. They-should-come.” He gasped, trying to organize his thoughts as immense pain shot all over him. He had felt this before, and knew with dread that he had most likely broken his right arm again. He tried to roll over onto his back, but his bruised body would not let him. So he lay on his side for the longest time, crying silent tears of pain. He never felt that crying was weakness. In fact, he had never come in contact with the theory.
After a while, he managed to muster some strength, and called in a rasping voice.
“Starr?!” It sounded like a whisper in this cave. Then, something soft and far away called out. He tried again.
“Starr! Royal!” A bit better.
“Adrian? Adrian! Is that you? Where are you?”
“Here! At the bottom!”
“Hold on, we’re trying to get there!” Royal called a bit louder than Starr had.
“Yes.” Adrian barely whispered, he was so breathless. He heard footsteps, slowly and cautiously entering. He saw light, and then that they were in a small room, circular, and on the left side of the steps was a door.
Starr bent down, and tried to pull his right arm out from under him, but when sharp pain seared through him, Adrian screamed for her to stop.
“Then what can I do?” Starr asked him, worry creasing her brow.
“Through this door we can get help.” Royal began. “If Master Adrian just lies very still, then we might find some of my family to help him.”
“Well, alright, but you had better know what your doing.” Starr declared, standing up and walking toward the door.
“He knows.” Adrian assured her as the candlelight disappeared.
He was alone in the dark. For now.
Gomen nasai for it being so short. The next part still has some wrinkles I am trying to iron out. Hope you enjoyed!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I'm soooo busy...

Also, I'm leaving for the Bluefield Reformed Family Bible Conference Wednesday evening. Yes, same as Rose. But I'm going a day later. By the way, this is my 1ST TIME!!! *happydance*
So I have a lot to get ready for!
Is there anything I want to say... not really. No specific reason for this post so...I'll probably finish in a minute.
I think I might spend some time filling my sidebar with pictures of Edward. That should be fun...lol, endure it. I just found a ton of pictures of Edward.

Pretend they're saying goodbye instead of welcome...lol :P
I'll do a post Saturday with pictures, because I'll lose my mind if I forget my camera!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I'm crazy...that I am...

My favorite star watching times are when you see meteorites. They are just breathtaking. Not to mention all the constellations you see whilst searching for meteors.
So I'm rambling about nighttime...at night(LATE at night)...so why not some of my nighttime pictures?

The moon again, really blurry, but very beautiful.The sunset back in...August of last year? Later? Later? I do not know. But it is still very pretty.

I like this next one. It reminds me of so many memories. That light there is one I will never ever forget looking at. It brings back memories of my friend Megan when I was little and played as her tag-along who followed her everywhere and probably drove her crazy on occasion. Thankfully our friendship is much more than that now.

And a planet. I don't know which, but I see it almost every night. This was taken on the same night of the blurry moon.

Well, I hope you liked. I am now going to bed before my mom comes down here and gets me good. I'm super-tired, anyway, this is the first time I've been up this late in a while...I cannot believe it's almost 12. And I have to get up early! Sweet dreams everyone, and pardon my craziness!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
My mom fell from the attic lader today and bruised her tail bone. Well, she either bruised it or cracked it for the second time. I'm trying to help her out as much as I can, so this is just an update. She can't walk well, but it hurts to sit as well, so all she can do is lay down. But she can't sleep so she wants me to talk to her. It's odd my mom should ask me this, so I'm super happy to!(It's usually me asking to talk to her.)
My playlist has Summer songs on it now!!!
Some are just Summer songs, most are just songs that remind me of Summer.
Thank you, Timeless Trinkets, for doing my tag!
And I leave you listening to Guilty Beauty Love by Miyano Mamoru(Tamaki's seiyu.)
An now it's That Don't Impress Me Much. XD I have a wide range of music that I listen to. :P
Friday, June 12, 2009

I enjoy summertime a lot. My perspective on it is probably over-exaggerated. I took a test to see how hot my summer would be...of course the test can't predict the future. I think it really was just predicting what the person's opinion of summer was. My summer was going to be great.
I've changed my blog colors for summer, and I changed my playlist appearance too. I just need to change the songs to my favorite songs that remind me of summer. Alright, so the playlist is at the bottom, and you get tired of scrolling all the way down, yadda, yadda yadda, right? Well, just click on my newest post and it will open so you can see the comments and post on the same page. Then you don't have to scroll so far!!! :)
And I have made up a tag! I know those things have died down a bit, but I never made one myself, so I thought I would.
Your perspective on each month of summer is this-
June-It's green and warmer outside.
You can go outside at 8:30 and play because it's not dark yet.
You start to see fireflies at night.
The woods are nice in the daytime, hiking and climbing trees.
You start to get out more often.
And we even have VBS at one church up the road...we won't be going this year, though.
You get your first dab of sunscreen...and then sunburn.
Red, White and Blue!!!
Evenings outside, watching the sun set on my grandparents farm.
Listening to Mother the War in my room at sunset.(Or any other 10,000 Maniacs song!)
Going to my Grandparent's farm and riding in the back of the truck...Which my mom has outlawed. :P Or riding on our bikes.
Picking blackberries and raspberries and blueberries.
August-THE BEACH!!!
Walking on the sand.
Playing in the surf.
Collecting sea shells.
(Actually, I did all of this back in January when I was in Florida...I won't be able to do it this year. VA Beach doesn't have many sea shells anyway.)
And that little part of September we forget is summer-I like to think about snow. I wish it would get cold. I like to play outside, but mostly I'm tired of summer by now. I want fall to get here.
Favorite thing about summer- Playing with my friends, of course!!! I love all of your company so much. And this summer I'm working on loving the company of my brothers and sister.
Most memorable day this summer-Hmmm...I think it was actually back in May...We were up at the soccer field and then at the school playground. I was up there with a few girl friends, my brothers and Cyll. And then we went to the soccer field another day. My dad got to go that time and it was SUPER fun. That time Megan came. If there is any other memorable day actually in June it was Sunday. That was fun.
My favorite food in summertime is-Hmmmmm...BIG HMMMM...I can't answer my own question. My favorite drink is lemonade. My favorite dessert is probably homemade peach ice-cream. My favorite thing to eat? Well, I like*rambles on and on about any food that isn't warm...*
And a few things you want to do this summer-To get my room clean, to write and read more often. Hopefully improve my drawing skills and finish my math for this year. Then start on Algebra 1/2.
Oh, I just want to have as much fun as possible with my friends, and hopefully get to know a few new ones.
So that's it!!! I tag Timeless Trinkets, Miss Rose, Megan, Fantasy, Cylleruion, Nate and Sir Furious.
I'm interested in hearing all of your answers. But if you don't have time for it you don't have to. And you don't have to tag other people either. It's more like a get to know your friends better test. :)
Megan: I know your busy, so if you want we can just talk about summer Sunday. If you really want to type it all out you can in the comments since you don't have a blog. If that's alright.
Now for changing my blog name...Oh dear...
EDIT: I just realized I forgot to put the rules here.
You copy and paste my answers from my blog to your new post. Then you change my answers to yours and post it. And then you attempt to tag three other people. I'm interested in hearing all of your answers. But if you don't have time for it you don't have to. And you don't have to tag other people either. It's more like a get to know your friends better test. :)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
An Update

This picture is hilarious. Just LOOK at Trowa...and then Heero...It keeps getting funnier.
I was talking to mom last night and I told her about this picture. I wonder if the reason anime boys are always portrayed as eating this way is they always seem to be hungry! Even Quatre's cramming!!!
I have three younger brothers. I find myself getting frustrated cause their always hungry and are always asking me to fix them something to eat.
And then I realize that is just the way growing boys are!!!
Now for the important part.
The deadline for entry's in our Chautauqua art contest is two days away. I can't decide if I want to draw something or not, and if I do, what to draw. I really want to enter, but I just can't think of anything to draw for it. My mom said I should draw Sai from Hikaru no Go. :P Imagine that...
In a more serious tone she recommended this-

It's Zhoom, the last surviving Sand Elf from DragonFable. I rarely play DragonFable, but I do try to keep up with the storyline of Artix, Galanoth and Ash.
I copied this drawing. It took me all day to get everything right, and even then it didn't turn out exactly the way it should look.
So that's one idea. I thought about drawing a character of my own. Then I could always copy a character. I think I have too many ideas rushing around.
Another thing...Today is Simon's 6th birthday!!!

Simon is my little artist friend. Here are some of his drawings-

This is Sanosuke Sagara from Rurouni Kenshin. And then the one I am most proud of-
Kenshin Himaura.

He even got Kenshin's cross shaped scar!!!(Even if it was on the wrong cheek.) I thought it was a very cute picture. His attention to detail is what got me. Until I saw this drawing I had not
known he was so good. Now I try to pay attention to the pictures he asks me to look at.
So that's my life lately. I was up at my grandparents house Thursday through Saturday. I'll post
about that sometime soon.