Well, we have been raising tadpoles since a few weeks before conference. Two of them have now become frogs! We have a little habitat we are keeping the little things in until we can take them somewhere we can set them free. They are only about and inch long, and bright green. We have named them In and Out, as one is very social, but the other likes to hide.
Here are some pictures taken when they were tadpoles-

The first picture is bucket of tadpoles one. The second picture and onward is busket of tadpoles two. This was the day we moved them. They were outgrowing bucket 1, so we got another bucket. When they got their legs, we didn't know they would scale the walls even when they still had their tales, and we lost two in the middle of the night. Thankfully, my brother put carboard over them and punched holes in it so they can breath.
Here is a picture of Out. I couldn't find In, as usual.

And a picture of our newly discovered soon to be frog. (Trying to scale the walls of tank #1)

We are considering naming him Three, or if he is jumpy naming him, well, Jumpy. Simon and I are the ones naming them, no one else seems to hot about it. One problem is they aren't eating the frog food we put in. We need to let them go soon or they will probably die.
I know it isn't a sweet post, but it's cute. And Huck's pet is a frog, in the new version at least. It's name is Shoo-Fly.