Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I'm thinking.

 Even if everything is quiet, I still know
 The world is slowly turning
 The candle's wick is slowly burning
 The time is not long till we go

 Lights, action, fire, boldness, spirit
 Last chance to speak, quickly gone
 Without a guide, we won't last long
 For the first time, I stop believing it

 Run and run, keep trying to escape
 The trap's been set, I'm watching
 What do you think, just waiting?
 It won't change that I'm far too late

 What can I do when you don't want any help?


1 comment:

Hannah Leigh said...

No body may want help, and we may not have much time -
but why give up?
We can't.
No way.
And I'm not about to. Not by a long shot.
I'm not giving up.
They may not want help - but like Erica; I'm helping that poor kid behind bars anyway, whether they like it or not.
God has to do the rest.

- hannah