Sunday, June 9, 2013

Of Boys and Making People Hate Me!


I've been working at Wendy's. We covered that. The thing we didn't cover, past my fscination with my co-workers, is the fact that quite suddenly, and without much warning, my co-workers have started to talk to me. Perhaps they were fascinated by me for a little while, too? I like to entertain that thought...
At any rate, I have talked with one older lady, who looks to be in her 40s or 50s (I'm a horrible judge of age), and an 18-year-old boy. I am frequently teased by two 20-something boys who seem to compete over the right to drive me crazy during lunchtime (and longer if I stick around). It's relatively comical and makes the workday pass more quickly, though a few times it gets a little awkward. Not quite as awkward as being asked for your number on the first day of college classes, though. *grin*
However, I enjoy studying the different personalities of my coworkers, and not surprisingly, I get along with the boys best. Almost every girl there seems to always be angry, as if everything I do is not sufficient, according to her expectations of me. I really want to be a good worker, and them being so tense makes me extremely nervous around them, whereas the boys tend to forgive my mistakes easily (they're bad multitaskers, too!). Two in particular even manage to laugh at their own and other's mistakes during rushes. Honestly, it's really the only way to keep your sanity and your good mood intact.
 I don't want to paint all of the girls in bad colors (or all the boys in good ones). There are a few who are genuinely interested in teaching me things and talking with me, and there are some very tense dudes working there. However, girls can not only be stressful to be around, but they can be really exasperating in their choices of conversation topics. Take for instance my conversation with a girl and my workfriend, the 18-year-old boy.
Him: "I only have one minute of break left! What should we do?!"
Me: "The clock is ticking...tick, tock, tick, tock. Think of something to talk about fast!!!"
Both of us laugh at each other. We're funny folks, you know (that is like the least funny thing I've ever done)! :P
Girl: "You know, you two would make a super-cute couple.
Me: *chuckles softly and turns away out of extreme awkward*
Him: *awkward half-smile*

I can't remember what he said. He very well may like me. But she really must have had nothing more going on in her brain or was told by him to say that. Grrr. Girls. People. Augh. It's remarkable, honestly. The only time I would ever do that is when I really really feel like the two people are absolutely perfect together and just seem oblivious to it (aka, know eachother really well, unlike myself and this guy), or when I want to make them hate me.

I must confess something horrible- I've never felt the need to make someone hate me.

Lastly, I realize I am a girl. Perhaps this means I dislike myself?


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