I like the nighttime. It's dark and quiet and I feel happy. The moon is out sometimes, and the stars shine. I love the country and wish we could live there for one thing-the stars. Our grandparents farm is AMAZING at night. It's just gorgeous. I have spotted so many constellations, my favorite being Scorpius and Orion. My mom was just telling me about how she used to like to look at the stars, too. And don't think I've not leaned out that second-story window a bit too far to see a brilliant display before.
My favorite star watching times are when you see meteorites. They are just breathtaking. Not to mention all the constellations you see whilst searching for meteors.
So I'm rambling about nighttime...at night(LATE at night)...so why not some of my nighttime pictures?
The moon, quite a few months ago...maybe six?
The moon again, really blurry, but very beautiful.The sunset back in...August of last year? Later? Later? I do not know. But it is still very pretty.
I like this next one. It reminds me of so many memories. That light there is one I will never ever forget looking at. It brings back memories of my friend Megan when I was little and played as her tag-along who followed her everywhere and probably drove her crazy on occasion. Thankfully our friendship is much more than that now.
And a planet. I don't know which, but I see it almost every night. This was taken on the same night of the blurry moon.
A close up of a blurry sunset through trees. I loved it. And then the original of that picture.
Well, I hope you liked. I am now going to bed before my mom comes down here and gets me good. I'm super-tired, anyway, this is the first time I've been up this late in a while...I cannot believe it's almost 12. And I have to get up early! Sweet dreams everyone, and pardon my craziness!
Go to bed! You're acting EXACTLY like Cyll!! :D :D
In Christ,
~Miss Rose
Um...no not really by 12 the idea of bed is just beginning to creep into my head.
Rose-Really? I didn't think so...I thought that was a very normal post for me. I just love the moon and stars. How is that acting like Cyll?
Cylleruion- So, basically you don't think of going to bed until after 12?
I just got up about twenty minutes ago. Oh, well for geting up early. I was having a dream about flying on planes. For once I was going to Germany and not Japan!
It really depends. If I am staying up late then I don't really consider it till after. But if I haven't decided then sure I think about it a little. Heh.
I believe rose was referring to the time not the post.
Cylleruion-Ah. Now I get what you were saying.
The time? I still don't see how that could be like you. You normally stay up later than that.
That was exactly what I was attempting to point out. :P
Join in and "dish."
Tell us ~ Which EtsyCreator steals your HEART...
Have a lovely day,
Yay stars!
Yes, dear, I was referring to the time. *shoots a glance at Cyll*
lol you read me better than I thought! :P :D
In Christ,
~Miss Rose
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