Saturday, December 25, 2010


...are beautiful. ♥

Merry Christmas everybody. I love you all, and hope you're having a good time.

I'm waiting to go shopping, listening to Big Bang's Koe Wo Kikasete (love the song) and feeling, overall, very satisfied and happy.

I like Christmas somewhat. XD

Our furnace stopped working this morning, and even though the repairmen got it fixed and the house is nice and warm now, I'm still wearing one of my bro's sweaters (given to him by Cylleruion and much too big for him right now, anyways). I must confess it is getting rather stuffy in the thing. :P I'm crazy.
I've been helping my siblings make a paper chain, and hopefully I can post pictures of it later. :D It's Christmas themed, and on several links we have the names of Christmas songs!


-Argentia Krystofel ♥

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