Sunday, November 18, 2012

17 on the 17th-Once in a Lifetime

So, today I turned seventeen. Seventeen...I love the number seven, actually. I've loved seven since I was about ten years old, I believe. Something about seven is so...interesting.

I woke up at 3:50 this morning to go out looking for the Leonids-a meteor shower that peaks on the morning of my birthday every year. Boy am I exhausted from staying up for this long. I'm going to bed soon! Forget the homework and writing! Hahahaha
You can read a little more about the details of my birthday event on my mom's blog right at this post-

My mother, brilliant lady that she is, realized that my friend Christopher and I don't have many pictures of ourselves together. I still can't figure out why. >.< Here's two that Mom took.
Leaning...I think this is my favorite. Except I didn't smile. >. >

My eyes are closed...*sigh* 
Mom says this is how we normally look. =P
And this is the mountain of awesome stuff I recieved! Thanks, everyone! (I also recieved some wonderful memories!)

-Argentia (Caroline) Krystofel

1 comment:

Hannah Leigh said...

AaaaW! Happy birthdaaay! The pictures of you and Chris are adorable! ^_^
*dies of cuteness*
And I see you got my card. ;)
Hey, can you send that last picture to Mirriam? In fact, if you get the chance, take some pictures of each side of the card to send her; she was wanting to see it. :)