Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I have those 'my gosh this is a huge world' moments, too.

 Right now, I feel like my best of words can't pin down my thoughts. The sky is so pale in these winter days, even though March has already begun. I wonder often about the future of things. I remember the night of my birthday just a few months ago in November, and I am simply curious when I think about myself.
 I like the quietness of the wintertime, but it's been eating away at me recently. I feel so restless and there are many questions that sit in the back of my mind unanswered for hours. It's aggravating to me how I am so willing to not concern myself with the question easily answered by research, but when a question that cannot be answered by research presents itself, I engage in a futile chase for my answer. Then, frustrated, I twiddle my thumbs and let my mind race over the possibilities when I should really just move on.

 Anyway...I have things to do.



Timeless Trinkets said...

I like you!!! I know about the restless feeling. I am so ready for spring and summer to be here. I miss our walks around town.

Argentia Krystofel said...

Thanks~~~~ *sigh* I wish it would hurry up...I honestly don't like the cold. I'm glad there are people who do *cough* Dad *cough*. ^^