Thursday, June 2, 2011

Blah blah blah...

I changed my profile picture to a self-portrait, since Sasuke was getting REALLY old. *grin*

 So today I ended up getting my contacts "fixed" (they're STILL bugging me...maybe even more now!!!). I'm still going to wear them but not as frequently as I had hoped. I can't believe I walked in there and thought-Yay, contacts, I won't have to wear glasses and everything will be just perfect~!

 Yeah. My life doesn't work that way, sadly.>.<

 The good, uplifting, joyful news today-I baked banana bread. Two loaves-one just banana, the other with chocolate chips included. It was a lot of fun though a tad bit tiring in the summer heat...I'm sooooo thankful for our AC.

 Lately, Lineage has been bugging me. I totally feel like I'm not writing anything up to par (and let's face it; I've been writing for an hour or so every TWO WEEKS) and that the storyline...well, is a flop.

 The story of my story is...cliche. Cliche is loosing it's feel to all the different, amazing, never cliche in the slightest stories out maybe it isn't so bad to be cliche?

 The Western places of the continent are ravaged with disorder. With no king, the people have been living in chaos with no intervention for sixteen years. By this time, the government has totally collapsed; every noble that would take the place of the king would be killed off by his fellow man, and the cycle continued until the people no longer care who claims to be king-it doesn't matter if they possess no power or authority. 
 Adrian Kempf-Amundr is a young man from the Southernmost reaches of the continent. Here he grew up, and here he learned of the ways of the strong, freedom-loving, semi-self governed peoples; a picture of what the West once was. From a very young age he wanted to change things for the struggling people; imagine his surprise when he finds he has the ability to unlock a strange power from a glowing rock which could, in the long run, benefit this goal. Formally known as the Shard of Dreams, Master Kempf soon becomes skilled in this 'magic'. About this time, Adrian, at age twelve, overhears his parent's conversation one night. He discovers the troubling truth-he is the rightful heir to the empty throne of the havoc-ridden Western lands. 
 Now with many questions, but no answers whatsoever, he decided that as soon as his parents allowed, he would set out on conquest to reunite the lands so they may prosper again.
 An unexpected event takes place after leaving at age sixteen. Adrian meets a street urchin named Starr; she doesn't know her last name or even her exact age, but she does share one single thing in common; a power that no one else understands nor can describe.
 Both determined to find answers to their many questions, Starr and Adrian decide to journey together and along the way pick up many others; Royale Watershed, a man who is strangely loyal to Adrian and associates himself with being a servant to him, Alastair, a dark elf of the east, and Misti, childhood playmate and lifelong friend to Adrian.

 That I would say is the synopsis...a little long, yeah, I'd need to shorten it for a book cover, but in a beginning-storyline sense this is it. I KNOW it's totally cliche...but I need to keep writing. I want to finish this thing more than ever now that a friend of a friend has finisher HER book...and it took her two years. I'm pushing the two year point right now-December will mark two years of "writing" in my story. I put writing in quotations because it's really been so off-and-on that it makes me wanna hide. I have a lot set up-I mean a LOT. I even have last names for almost all my characters! (and I am a stickler on last names...names in general. It took me the first year to come up with Alastair a name-thankfully he comes much later in the story. He still doesn't have a last name. I'm going with something Scandinavian or Celtic I think, but it's hard with all those accent-marks and stuff).

It's just a matter of bucking it up, facing the fact that I'm not perfect, and plowing through the thing. It all looks so crisp and clean and perfect-fantasy-like when I look at it from the outside-when I start writing it out I don't do the mental image justice. >.<

 Anyway...if anyone feels like commenting with advice or even just telling me in person/on chat, it would be greatly appreciated. Even without advice...even just cheering about my banana bread...please, someone!!! lol (I'm totally exaggerating!)

~A.K.~ (doesn't anyone notice I have Adrian's initials? *huge grin with hugs for Adrian*)

P.S. Some of you will notice that I did a "little story" on here back in either 09 or 08 with characters named Starr and Adrian. Yes, that is the same story...sort-of. I must say there has been so much changed in my mind and in a few edits (I don't like editing as I go-prefer to review the whole thing) that it barely resembles what I have now. :)


Maximillian said...

Your book sounds interesting. :)
I never got past part of the first chapter when I last tried to write a book, so you've done much better than me there.

As Ara said, don't fall for the myth of originality; writers have been comin up with plotlines for thousands of years and have probably thought of so many things that if you think you're being original, you probably aren't - just take a storyline that interests you and give it your own twist. I'm not a good writer, so I doubt I can offer much more useful advice.

I take it one thing you have in common with Hannah is Asian things? ;-)

Maximillian said...

Oh, and in case you didn't see my reply on my blog, thanks for leaving a comment!

By the way, my last comment should have said, "a like of Asian things."

Argentia Krystofel said...

Thanks. I have a friend who is still putting his book together, but because he's spent so much time with it it's really been coming around. As of yet, he hasn't written a word, but...he enjoys plotting for it. Plus, he's a big text RP person so he spends a lot of writing energy on that.
Ah, yes. Mom has said that over and over again-someone out there has probably already written something you have, so relax! But on occasions it still gets the better of me. At least typing out that made me want to go write, hahahaha.

Yes, Hannah and I do have that in common, though she tends to really be more for Korean things. I like Korean culture but I love the Japanese language...I can actually speak a little Japanese. As of yet I can't afford a language program and I'm too lazy/want other things to ask it for birthday. XD The other things we have in common are same church (known eachother for 7 years), love of writing, love of drawing, and...well, so many other things! :)
I saw your reply! I tend to reply here, so I hope you see mine. :)
And, to explain the name thing...I need to remove that part of my profile. XD I just haven't gotten around to it. When I first started blogger, it was under conditions that I wouldn't use my real name. But a lot of my church friends were on here, and thus! I also found it easier to identify with friends of friends if I gave a name.


Timeless Trinkets said...

Don't be so down. Be happy:)I like your poetry the most.

Maximillian said...

I had the follow-up comments on this post to my inbox, so I saw this. :)