Friday, July 27, 2012

Five Things You Couldn't Live Without

Aside from the obvious water, air, music, etc. =P I'm going to list things that I would seriously miss if I didn't get them on a regular basis. XD

#1. Walks around town. I MUST WALK or I feel like a ball of stress and frustration. Plus, it's good for you!
#2. Korean Drama. I thought I was gonna die last week. lol
#3. Dorito Chips, Pocky and TEA. All tea...except pomegranate. SOUR.
#4. The color purple. Seriously, love it. Orange and yellow, too
#5. Rice stuffs. Mochi cake and dango balls and fried rice and rice pudding...okay, rice in general...

So that's it for today! ^^


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